Blue \x80
The color blue has made its way to our digital lives along with new symbolism and conventions. As citizens of the internet today, we navigate together through its many nuances, surfing the web's ubiquitous blue social media platform designs : twitter, facebook, tumblr,.. But what happens when these neutral and soothing blue cannot be displayed ?
Only then do we get greeted with the most saturated blue of all. Blue /x80 is the max() quantity of hexadecimal blue. It can be seen when you loosely plug an HDMI, it's the color of the unstyled web, such as wikipedia links, and also that of the iconic blue screen of death (BSOD). Blue represents a default setting, a fallback option when all other blues fail.
Blue /x80 was the third official Glitch Artists Collective exhibition
Curators : Kaspar Ravel & Ras Alhague
- 10.18.2018 Blue x80 @ Villette Makerz, Paris, France