Blue \x80

The color blue has made its way to our digital lives along with new symbolism and conventions. As citizens of the internet today, we navigate together through its many nuances, surfing the web's ubiquitous blue social media platform designs : twitter, facebook, tumblr,.. But what happens when these neutral and soothing blue cannot be displayed ?

Only then do we get greeted with the most saturated blue of all. Blue /x80 is the max() quantity of hexadecimal blue. It can be seen when you loosely plug an HDMI, it's the color of the unstyled web, such as wikipedia links, and also that of the iconic blue screen of death (BSOD). Blue represents a default setting, a fallback option when all other blues fail.


Blue /x80 was the third official Glitch Artists Collective exhibition

Curators : Kaspar Ravel & Ras Alhague


  • 10.18.2018 Blue x80 @ Villette Makerz, Paris, France
Close-up of legs with glitch art projections on them, creating a digital pattern overlay in a darkened room at a glitch art exhibition.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Old CRT televisions displaying blue glitch art at an exhibition with promotional cards scattered on the floor in the foreground.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Art installation featuring a large display screen with an array of glitched images, bathed in blue light, part of a glitch art exhibition.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Artist creating glitch art, with a colorful digital mosaic projected in the background, illuminating the darkened space of the exhibition.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Silhouette of a camera tripod against a colorful glitch art background with text 'BIENVENUE AU GLITCHBOOTH' at an art exhibition.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Table displaying an assortment of glitch art zines and printed materials with vibrant colors and various graphic designs at an art exhibition.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Art installation featuring a large display screen with an array of glitched images, bathed in blue light, part of a glitch art exhibition.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Group of people engaged with laptops, possibly participating in an interactive session, with glitch art projections illuminating the room in red hues at an art exhibition.
📷 Dina Gligo
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Visitors interacting with a multimedia art installation, which includes CRT TVs displaying visuals, with headphones and other electronic devices mounted on a pegboard, at a glitch art exhibition.
📷 Aaron Jablonski
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Overhead view of an exhibition space where visitors are cast in silhouette by floor projections of digital glitch art, creating a dynamic and interactive environment.
📷 Sara Krzy
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Close-up of a computer screen with a spiderweb pattern of cracks overlaying a colorful digital glitch art background.
📷 Dina Gligo
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
An Atari 1040ST computer repurposed as a planter box, housing a variety of small cacti and succulents.
📷 Ras Alhague
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Digital art display with text 'ATTACHED MY SYNS... ARE YOU OPEN FOR CONNECTION?' with 'acknowledge' and 'ignore' buttons, against a background with pink and blue glitch art patterns.
📷 Dina Gligo
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Sound artist performing at a gallery, intently manipulating electronic equipment under dim, ambient lighting.
📷 Dina Gligo
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
An interactive installation at an exhibition featuring a circuit-bent video glitching setup with multiple CRT monitors displaying distorted, colorful imagery, electronic components, and various cables connected to a central processing unit.
📷 Dina Gligo
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France
Workshop participants engaged in a glitch art workshop, seated around tables with laptops, electronic components, and monitors displaying digital art, in a spacious room with industrial aesthetics.
📷 Dina Gligo
@ Blue /x80 - Villette Makerz in Paris, France